Linksliltri4ce's Zelda Clothing and Gear Collection!
My Zelda clothing and gear collection is probably where my nerdisms come out for the general public. Unlike most collectors who keep their treasures locked up in pristine, air-tight conditions, I love to wear my Zelda pride as often as I can! (Typically I have at least 5-6 Zelda related items on my at all times!) I am always looking for leads on Zelda related clothing, so feel free to Contact me if you know of (or have) any for sale!
For the sake of organization, I have broken the Clothing and Gear portion into eleven (holy Hylia!) categories:
For the sake of organization, I have broken the Clothing and Gear portion into eleven (holy Hylia!) categories:
- Shirts
- Dresses
- Hoodies/Jackets
- Hats
- Bottoms/Unders
- Clothing Accessories
- Bags
- Wallets
- Jewelry
- Pins
- Misc Accessories
- and Cosplays