- Young Zelda: http://shpws.me/Llnf
- Adult Zelda: http://shpws.me/LkQm
- Ganondorf: http://shpws.me/Ls9F
- Adult Link: http://shpws.me/Kr4t
- Young Link: http://shpws.me/JU0z
I had purchased a Young Link from the artist Vidalcris awhile back off of Shapeways, a 3D printing site, when I purchased the Elegy of Emptiness Statues from a separate user. However, it looks like Vidalcris is back in the designing more N64 inspired Ocarina of Time figures! So far they have also uploaded a Young Zelda, an Adult Zelda, Ganondorf, and Adult Link. They are fantastic replicas of the in game models and I hope to order them soon! Check them out!
After the rumors of a Zelda-based trading card game started circulating last October it would only be a matter of time that gaming distributors would start posting pre-orders for its speculated 2016 release for the 30th Zelda Anniversary. Today I spotted on AGD Retailer Services this A Link Between Worlds Playmat by Ultra-Pro and EnterPLAY (The same company that made the Twilight Princess Trading Cards.) Upon further inspection I found a Majora's Mask Playmat on EnterPLAY's site as well. No news on any of the trading cards themselves, the sleeves, the dogtags, or the collector tins, but it's good to see some more items pop up!
Sources: Ultra-Pro, EnterPLAY, and Zelda Informer Goodsmile Company has finally released their latest A Link Between Worlds Figma Link for pre-order. However, until today, many did not know that there were going to be TWO versions available, the Standard Edition and the DX Edition. While the DX Edition is exclusively available in Japan through the Goodsmile Company, representatives state that international customers may order the DX and Standard versions through any of their partner companies. The DX Edition costs roughly ¥1000 more than the Standard Edition, which really isn't too much to fuss over. The two figures seem to be identical with each showing a wide range of posability that all of the Figma figures are known for. Link is shown sporting Ravio's Bracelet as a nice addition. Each come with exchangeable faces (smiling and serious), a display base, an "illustration of the wall merged Link", as well as a sword and shield combo. The DX Edition will also include a Tornado Rod, a Hookshot, a Bomb, a Baby Maiamai, a Rupee, and a Pot.
I've pre-ordered both! Are you planning on pre-ordering? If so, are you spending the extra rupees getting the DX version? Sources: |
About LLt4Linksliltri4ce is a cosplayer and avid Legend of Zelda Collector. Visit her main website at The Legend of Cosplay! Check Out My Videos!
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September 2023