What's that? Oh! You came here for the giveaway? Cool - let's get to that then! ;)
So - since I have SOOOOOOOOOOOO many cards, I thought to myself, "Hey Linksliltri4ce! You haven't done a giveaway in such a long time! ESPECIALLY through The Legend of Collections! Actually, this will be the first Collections Giveaway!!! Anywho, you should be cool and give one lucky fan a complete base set of these cards. Heck, you might even throw in a bonus gold card if enough awesome people want to play along!" So that's what we're gonna do!!! So once this video gets at least 500+ Facebook likes or YouTube thumbs ups (it has to be 500+ on either site - since I'm too lazy to combine them) I will prepare the giveaway!
If you'd like your chance to win a complete base set of these brand new, EnterPLAY Legend of Zelda Trading Cards please Like and Subscribe and heck feel free to share the video too! Then do the following:
- Come to this blog post - look! You're already here!
- Comment down below!
- Please make sure that when you submit your comment that you list an ACCURATE EMAIL ADDRESS! (Don't worry - it won't share your personal email with the world - just lil' ol me!) I can't very well let you know if you won if I can't contact you!
- Please stick around and follow me for future Legend of Collections videos - coming soon!